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How will a country or jurisdiction that pays people to do nothing fare against another jurisdiction that does not?

Kartik Gada


It is obvious that America already pays a large fraction of the population to do nothing.

The DUES is an improvement since it is combined with 0% income tax and no disincentive to work (today, many people deliberately keep their income low so as to remain on welfare). A 0% tax rate greatly increases the incentive to do productive work.


If the government (not the FED) issues the money there is no debt. I think this is preferable to the FED. Is there a moral hazard to government issuing money? Yes. But there is also a moral hazard to bankers issuing money. And they charge interest for the privilege.

Forge the Sky

"An unrestrained political class may squander this bounty in various shortsighted grabs. Examples include quadrupling military purchases of expensive new weaponry, doubling the number of staffers and aides attending to each high-level official, or making a vote-buying campaign pledge to pay women a larger annual stipend than men."

Why do you believe that governmental policy will light upon a universal flat stipend rather than any of the (call me cynical, but I believe) far more likely above possibilities?

Stipends are definitely possible, but I can see them being distributed very unevenly, just as they are now in order to appease specific interests, rather than some force necessarily creating incentives to make them equal.

I can see the rhetoric now regarding the last item in particular: "Women disproportionately bear the burden of parenting and housework." "Every year, X thousand women are beaten by their partners. Support the Strong Woman's stipend so that we can give these women the support they need to escape their abusive circumstances." Then just depict a universal stipend as funding layabouts and criminals. Oh, also support legislation B that removes the stipend from anyone convicted of a crime or misdemeanor etc etc.

Are you proposing some specific system to ensure that the thing that's happened to all the handouts we already are capable of giving doesn't happen to these ones?

Kartik Gada

I can see the rhetoric now regarding the last item in particular: "Women disproportionately bear the burden of parenting and housework." "Every year, X thousand women are beaten by their partners. Support the Strong Woman's stipend so that we can give these women the support they need to escape their abusive circumstances."

Yes, politicians will push for this. Hence, the country that can fight off such politicization will outperform those that cannot. The ATOM DUES program greatly tightens the competition between countries, you see. The uniformity of it will expose many fraudulent statistics and memes more easily than is possible at present.

It is harder to socially engineer when the entire flow is much simpler, and there is a lot less smoke and mirrors to hide behind.

Are you proposing some specific system to ensure that the thing that's happened to all the handouts we already are capable of giving doesn't happen to these ones?

The wholesale elimination of many departments is necessary. Since this is politically impossible in the US, see Chapter 10 about how it has to start in some smaller countries first, before any larger country can be considered.

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